Friday Five (#26)

From our trip to Fortress of the Bear in Sitka, Alaska

Yeah Friday! Hope your week was well. A Wednesday post didn’t happen around because most of the day was consumed with some newborn needs and snuggles :). But the Five this week is chock full as usual so let’s get to it!

1. The Comfort Cub


This organization was not on my radar at all – but it was mentioned in our monthly Costco magazine (yes, I read the whole thing every month…the articles are actually somewhat intriguing). Anyways, the organization centers around providing comfort to people who have had loss or trauma. The idea is that a person has something to hold through their recovery. I just love this idea for all ages – children, mamas that have a stillbirth or lose a baby, families, elderly…everyone. In midwifery, I see far too many women lose a pregnancy. Regardless of the gestational age of the baby, it’s always heartbreaking. Just as heartbreaking is when that same mama has to leave the hospital without her baby. Most bereavement programs offer memory boxes with blankets, clothes and pictures – but offering a stuffed bear that’s weighted, offers something to hold through all the tears and recovery that might offer some more comfort. I am definitely going to keep Comfort Cubs in mind in the future. Does anyone use Comfort Cubs in their place of work or community?

2. Fortress of the Bear

Last fall, the husband and I took a babymoon to Sitka, Alaska. It was spectacular. I post pictures of Alaska all the time and talk about it’s wonder, beauty and quirks. But until you have been to Sitka, Alaska, you haven’t seen all of Alaska has to offer. A little gem outside of Sitka is the Fortress of the Bear – a old mill that was converted into a bear sanctuary to offer bears cubs a home instead of euthanizing them when they lost their mothers as cubs. The mission of the Fortress is amazing and the facility is very impressive. With the pandemic and the stoppage of cruises to Alaska, the Fortress has struggled like any other organization in the past year. If you want to learn about their awesome bears or take some time to support them – check out their store, the FAQs or their bears. They sell children’s books about bears that would be perfect little one’s birthday.

3. This article on an entrepreneur in Cameroon that is saving lives of women and babies.

Technology has benefits and an app that sends text messages to mamas in Cameroon is helping women remember their prenatal appointments, increase vaccination rates and access medical advice and care. Maternal and infant mortality rates in Africa are in desperate need of improvement. This app is a light leading the way to healthier women and children.

4. Wonder if you should join a practice or start your own practice as a midwife? This blog post by Midwifery Business Consultation did a great job of offering a view of each option!



Ever wonder how you can compare hospitals, providers or services? Well, now you have a better option to do so. EIGHT companies were combined into one place to offer patients to opportunity to do exactly that. The primary population is for those using Medicare but I think this is step in the right direction – especially because it gives choice to patients. Check out the site here!

Other goodies…

  • We made these recipes at our household this past week and they are all worth recommending! Dreamy peppermint patties, pecan pumpkin butter (this was so easy and I was licking the vitamix clean…I blame breastfeeding hunger), and beef and broccoli in the crock pot (we paired this with rice and both littles gobbled it up). These 7 chicken marinades by Thriving Home also made it into our meal prep this week – I am always trying to figure out what to do with chicken…
  • AWHONN has a podcast! It’s on my list to check out….Have a New Year’s resolution to become more involved professionally? Consider joining AWHONN!
  • Also, Meg Meeker’s podcast on parenting! If you don’t know who Meg Meeker is and you are a parent, I highly recommend her podcast. I like to listen to it while doing the dishes or a household chore – it’s full of great tips to sharpen your parenting skills.
  • These pandemic, exercise, children and parenting resources from CALM – there were some on the list I hadn’t seen before! And some free exercise routines!
  • This news article about supplemental oxygen in labor…the obstetrics world has longed practiced that since oxygen supplementation to the mother is beneficial to the baby with little harm to the mother. I love how evidence makes us reconsider practices that have been in place for decades!
  • There are new dietary guidelines! The guidelines are broken down by stages for the first time ever to include pregnancy and lactation. The top 10 things to know are here. I haven’t put much stock in dietary guidelines in the past, but I’m hoping the new guidelines have something to offer – it’s on my list to give them a read!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend where ever you are! Stay well, go for a walk outside. Be grateful.


1 year ago on the blog…Friday Five (#7)